Cloud technologies for basics of artificial intelligence study in school




artificial intelligence, cloud technologies, school, education, education applications, informational computer technologies


Changes in society related to the development of science, technology, computing power, cloud services, artificial intelligence, increasing general access to huge amounts of open data, lead to increased global investment in technology and services. Appropriate training is required by specialists to create a workforce to work with artificial intelligence. On the one hand, it puts forward new requirements for the training of young people, and educational content, on the other hand, provides opportunities for the use of cloud technologies during the educational process. Widespread use of AI in various fields and everyday life poses the task of understanding the basic terms related to Artificial intelligence (AI), such as Machine learning (ML), Neural network (NN), Artificial neural networks (ANN), Deep Learning, Data Science, Big Data, mastering the basic skills of using and understanding the AI principles, which is possible during the study in the school course of computer science. Cloud technologies allow you to use the power of a remote server (open information systems, digital resources, software, etc.) regardless of the location of the consumer and provide ample opportunities for the study of artificial intelligence. In this article we reveal the possibilities of cloud technologies as a means of studying artificial intelligence at school, consider the need for three stages of training and provide development of tasks and own experience of using cloud technologies to study artificial intelligence on the example of DALL-E, Google QuickDraw, cloud technologies Makeblock, PictoBlox, Teachable Machine at different stages of AI study.


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Cloud-based AI Education Applications

How to Cite

Valko, N.V., Goncharenko, T.L., Kushnir, N.O. and Osadchyi, V.V., 2022. Cloud technologies for basics of artificial intelligence study in school. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 9, pp.170–183. Available from: [Accessed 18 January 2025].
Received 2021-10-17
Accepted 2021-12-17
Published 2022-03-21

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