The didactic potential of cloud technologies in professional training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature




cloud technologies, professional training, scientific research basics, cloud-based learning environment, the future teachers-philologists, visualization, didactic potential


The article deals with the peculiarities of the usage cloud technologies for the organization of students-philologists' individual and group work in studying the discipline ``Scientific Research Basics''. The relevance of the introduction of cloud technologies for formation the readiness of the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature to the professional activity is substantiated. Analysis of the scientific sources suggested that the quality of professional training process of future teachers-philologists has reached a new level by the means of cloud technologies. The domestic and foreign experience of cloud technologies implementation into current educational practices is generalized. The features of blended learning organization for professional training students-philologists at the Mykhailo Stelmakh Faculty of Philology and Journalism of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University during the studying the discipline ``Scientific Research Basics'' by using cloud technologies are described. The practical aspects and experience of preparation the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature to a fluent usage of innovative cloud-based means are detailed. It is specified that the educational process is based on the communication by Gmail, Viber and Telegram messengers, store on Google Drive resource, work with educational video on YouTube, conducting online classes in Google Meet, creation publication in any of the social networks (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok), formation the different styles of references design on The Cite This for Me resource, conducting literature search on various search engines, namely Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, creating multimedia presentation at Prezi or Canva, making MindMaps on Mindomo, infographics on interactive board Google Jamboard or Padlet, on services for graphic design Canva and Visme, etc. Prospects for experimental studying the effectiveness of using cloud technologies in learning discipline ``Scientific Research Basics'' are determined.


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Cloud-based E-learning Platforms, Tools and Services

How to Cite

Petrovych, O.B., Vinnichuk, A.P., Poida, O.A., Tkachenko, V.I., Vakaliuk, T.A. and Kuzminska, O.H., 2022. The didactic potential of cloud technologies in professional training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 9, pp.259–277. Available from: [Accessed 12 November 2024].
Received 2021-10-17
Accepted 2021-12-17
Published 2022-03-21

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