Augmented reality in education of students with special educational needs
augmented reality, students with special educational needsAbstract
The article is aimed at developing theoretical and methodological principles of augmented reality application to training students with special educational needs.
The research objective is to implement the augmented reality technology as a means of supporting educational activities of students with special educational needs at higher educational institutions.
The object of the research is augmented reality in education.
The subject of the research is augmented reality in training students with special educational needs.
Research methods include analysis of state standards, statistics and publications.
The research results imply analysis of actual means of augmented reality, applied to training students with special educational needs.
The authors conclude that creation of modern learning tools based on the augmented reality technology and relevant to the world scientific and technical advancements is a key precondition for implementing efficient strategies to achieve goals of inclusive education.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2017-04-28
Published 2018-03-21