Trends in the use of cloud computing technologies to create personalized learning trajectories for students of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine




cloud computing technologies, personalized learning trajectories


In recent years, reform trends have been noticeable in the system of extracurricular education: the goal is to create a new system of education that promotes personal professional self-determination of children, their adaptation to life in a dynamic information society, development of creative abilities, and involvement in culture. Personality-oriented education is not the formation of a personality with predetermined properties, but the creation of favorable conditions for the full identification and development of personal functions of the student. Among the most fruitful applications of the computer Y. I. Mashbitz notes the importance of implementing problem-based learning; forming creative thinking of schoolchildren, their readiness for creative work. M.I. Zhaldak stresses that the use of ICTs in the learning process "should not be concerned only with the study of certain curriculum material, but above all with the all-round and harmonious development of students' personalities, their creative abilities". V. Yu. Bykov notes that in recent years, further dynamic development acquire means and technologies of information and communication networks, in particular, the Internet, forming a computer and technological platform of the educational environment of modern education, especially open. On this basis, the subject-technological organization of information educational space is carried out, the processes of accumulation and storage of various subject collections of electronic computing resources are put in order, equal access to them for students is provided, ICT-support of learning processes, scientific research and education management is significantly improved.


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Zhaldak M. I. Pedahohichnyi potentsial kompiuterno-oriientovanykh system navchannia matematyky / M. I. Zhaldak // Kompiuterno-oriientovani systemy navchannia : zb. nauk prats / Redkol. – K. : NPU im. M. P. Drahomanova. – Vypusk 7. – 2003. – S. 3-16.

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Cloud technologies in career guidance work

How to Cite

Demianenko, V.B., 2013. Trends in the use of cloud computing technologies to create personalized learning trajectories for students of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 1, pp.84–86. Available from: [Accessed 6 February 2025].
Received 2012-12-15
Accepted 2012-12-23
Published 2013-03-21