Cloud technologies in the system of certification of specialists in the construction industry
cloud technologies, construction industryAbstract
The world experience of the construction industry points to the need to permanently improve the qualifications of builders. Thus, in the analytical report of the world experience on technical regulation in construction it is pointed out to the regularity of activities to improve the qualifications of specialists in the construction industry. For this purpose the mechanism of conformity assessment is applied, which means the activity aimed at verification and confirmation of fulfillment of the given requirements, in particular to a person or body. Conformity assessments are subject not only to products, but also to the activities of people involved in the manufacture of products. With regard to real estate objects, not only the final products of construction activities - buildings and structures - but also the construction materials and products used for their construction, construction documents, as well as the activities of persons involved in the training of designers and builders; the professional activities of designers and builders, as well as the activities of persons regulating the activities of designers, builders, builders and owners of facilities are subject to evaluation.
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Accepted 2012-12-23
Published 2013-03-21