Educational opportunities of the latest Microsoft technologies
Microsoft technologies, vocational educationAbstract
The purpose of informatization of vocational education in Ukraine is to improve the quality of training, ensuring the competitiveness of domestic educational institutions, their integration into the world educational space. As noted by V. Bykov, the modern stage of informatization of educational systems is characterized by significant target, content and technological changes occurring both at the level of computer-oriented learning tools and their complexes, and at the level of ICT-means organize and support the learning process. In particular, technological changes include the use of mobile Internet devices, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, as well as cloud computing technologies, which are becoming basic tools for the learning process. At the same time, the integration of cloud services into professional education is the most urgent psychological and pedagogical problem.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2012-12-23
Published 2013-03-21