Possibilities of using cloud technologies in interactive e-learning courses
interactive e-learning courses, cloud technologiesAbstract
The development of electronic courses in mathematical disciplines requires the use of the latest information technology. Information and communication network services are actively used for informatization of the educational process. The most relevant in the market of information and communication technologies is the SaaS (software as a service) model focused on providing services through the Internet.
At this stage of development, the relevant concept is the use of cloud computing. In the context of building an e-course, the concept of "internal cloud" or in other words, the deployment model - "private cloud" is relevant: an infrastructure that involves the use of resources within the HEI by several consumers, namely teachers, students and administration. This concept raises the issue of using third-party software.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2012-12-23
Published 2013-03-21