Adaptability of innovative technologies to resource-based teaching of physics


  • O. I. Denysenko National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine image/svg+xml
  • V. I. Tsotsko Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University image/svg+xml



adaptability, innovative technologies, teaching of physics


The problems of formation of education and information policy in the conditions of modernization and informatization of education as a factor in the formation of innovation and information society, transformation of rationality in the field of education, representation of knowledge in the educational space, innovation education in the paradigm of information technology attract considerable attention of modern domestic specialists in the philosophy of education.
On the plane of education functioning, the solution of the problem of rationality (a kind of "guide to action") is connected, first of all, with the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies, based on the latest scientific discoveries, on the one hand, and with education management as a system with the determination of its general course of development, on the other hand. Innovative education is focused not so much on knowledge transfer as on mastering basic concepts that allow further acquisition of knowledge independently, and the center of education is the educational potential of an individual person, in relation to which his development takes place.


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Cloud technologies for physics learning

How to Cite

Denysenko, O.I. and Tsotsko, V.I., 2013. Adaptability of innovative technologies to resource-based teaching of physics. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 1, pp.136–137. Available from: [Accessed 15 October 2024].
Received 2012-12-10
Accepted 2012-12-23
Published 2013-03-21