«Mass opened» and «traditional» distance courses comparative description through the prism of experience of participant
distance course, pedagogical system, structural components of pedagogical system, data analysis, case studyAbstract
A research object is the distance courses on the data analysis: «Quantitative and Research Methods for Leaders» (Franklin Pierce University, USA), «Statistical methods of analysis in business» (Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine), «Big Data in Education» (Columbia University, USA). Every course was examined as a pedagogical system. Structural components of these systems were the subject of research. Presentation of results of comparative analysis of three concrete distance courses through the prism of experience of participant was the purpose of the article. Case study was the main method of research. General lines and differences between three courses, their advantages and disadvantages were found out. A conclusion about an utility of participating in the opened distance courses at the role of student for the university teachers is done. Such activity enables not only to promote the level of the qualification, but to give a new look on the traditional course and to increase its advantages and to reduce disadvantages.
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Accepted 2013-12-20
Published 2014-03-20