Elements of a mobile learning environment
mobile learning environment, recognition technology of QR-codesAbstract
Research goals: to consider the possibility of using QR-codes in the learning process.
Research objectives: to determine the advantages and disadvantages of using QR-codes, as well as the application of QR-codes in learning process.
Object of research: mobile learning environment of higher education.
Subject of research: technology of recognition and QR-codes as elements of the mobile learning environment.
Research methods used: synthesis of existing research.
Results of the research. It is noted that the technology of recognition and QR-codes can be attributed to elements of the mobile learning environment. Examples of the use of QR-codes in the learning process (hyperlink to media sources and resources, project activities, surveys and testing forms of gaming, covers educational materials, information booths, applications to educational facilities; identification).
The main conclusions. Established that elements of the mobile learning environment (including technology development and recognition of QR-codes) have sufficient capacity in education. The use of QR-codes in the learning process activates the learning activities of students while allowing teachers to use new types of learning tasks.
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Accepted 2013-12-20
Published 2014-03-20