Development cloud-based learning environment for subdivision of university based ownCloud
cloud computing, learning ICT, cloud-based environment, ownCloudAbstract
The aim of this study is to design and implement cloud-based learning environment for subdivision of university based ownCloud. Objectives of the study is to analyze the existing approaches to constructing cloud-based learning environments, forming requirements cloud-based learning tools, the selection on the basis of the requirements of cloud ICT training and experimental applications to build a cloud-based learning environment for subdivision of university. The object of research is the process of operation of a single subdivision of high school, including the simulation and software department. The subject of research is the use of cloud ICT training in organizational, scientific and educational activities of the simulation and software department.
In this work the analysis and systematization of research on the use of cloud-based ICT in education, research and organizational activities of the university, experimental implementation of the designed cloud-based environment for the subdivision of university using open source software. To assess the effectiveness of the use cloud-based learning environment created a separate department university planned to hold teaching experiment. Results of the study is planned to summarize the development of recommendations for the design of general cloud-based university environment.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2013-12-20
Published 2014-03-20