Cloud learning technology: an attempt to define




cloud technology, cloud learning technology


Objectives of the study: to give a definition of cloud learning technology as a computer-oriented component of educational technology.
Research objectives: 1) to form definition of cloud learning technology; 2) to clarify the relations of cloud learning technology, educational technologies, ICT, cloud technologies and ICT of learning.
Object of study: cloud technology in education.
Research subject: cloud learning technology.
Methods: source analysis, definition synthesis.
Research results: a definition of cloud learning technology was given; the relations of cloud learning technology, educational technologies, ICT, cloud technologies and ICT of learning was given.
Conclusions and recommendations:
1) the content of cloud learning technology is the intersection of sets of concepts related to cloud technology and ICT-based learning;
2) further development of research involves determining the historical and pedagogical conditions of emerging and development of cloud learning technology.


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Cloud technologies for informatics learning

How to Cite

Markova, O.M., 2014. Cloud learning technology: an attempt to define. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 2, pp.244–248. Available from: [Accessed 9 February 2025].
Received 2013-10-12
Accepted 2013-12-20
Published 2014-03-20