The development of theory and methods of using cloud-based information and communication technologies in teaching mathematics of engineering students in the United States
ICT learning tools, cloud-based learning technologies, tools to support mathematical activityAbstract
The purpose of the study is the analysis of the development of the theory and methods of ICT usage while teaching higher mathematics engineering students in the United States. It was determined following tasks: to analyze the problem source, to identify the state of its elaboration, to identify key trends in the development of theory and methods of ICT usage while teaching higher mathematics engineering students in the United States, the object of study – the use of ICT in teaching engineering students, the research methods are: analysis of scientific, educational, technical, historical sources; systematization and classification of scientific statements on the study; specification, comparison, analysis and synthesis, historical and pedagogical analysis of the sources to establish the chronological limits and implementation of ICT usage in educational practice of U.S. technical colleges.
In article was reviewed a modern ICT tools used in learning of fundamental subjects for future engineers in the United States, shown the evolution and convergence of ICT learning tools. Discussed experience of the «best practices» using online ICT in higher engineering education at United States. Some of these are static, while others are interactive or dynamic, giving mathematics learners opportunities to develop visualization skills, explore mathematical concepts, and obtain solutions to self-selected problems.
Among ICT tools are the following: tools to transmit audio and video data, tools to collaborate on projects, tools to support object-oriented practice. The analysis leads to the following conclusion: using cloud-based tools of learning mathematic has become the leading trend today. Therefore, university professors are widely considered to implement tools to assist the process of learning mathematics such properties as mobility, continuity and adaptability.
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Accepted 2013-12-20
Published 2014-03-20