Operational exchange electronic educational resources by cloudy technology





learning higher mathematics, computer systems of mathematics, cloudy technology


Research goals: to find effective methods of using SCM learning higher mathematics.
Research objectives: resolving operational problems distributing the latest versions of electronic materials; introduction of cloudy technology in learning higher mathematics.
Object of research: higher mathematics learning by students of non-mathematical specialties.
Subject of research: the use of SCM in learning higher mathematics by students of non-mathematical specialties.
Research methods used: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, training, supervision on the educational process.
Results of the research. Highlight the problem of rapid distribution of the latest versions of electronic materials in the classroom of higher mathematics. To solve this problem introduced cloudy technology. Specified technologies based on different models of classes using mathematics training simulator (MTS): auditorium, laboratory and blended.
The main conclusions. Developed and implemented technology for addressing the rapid distribution made it possible to increase the efficiency of MTS in solving differential equations at training future engineers.


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Cloud technologies for mathematics learning

How to Cite

Chukhno, M.V. and Mykhalevych, V.M., 2014. Operational exchange electronic educational resources by cloudy technology. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 2, pp.295–300. Available from: https://doi.org/10.55056/cte.222 [Accessed 6 February 2025].
Received 2013-10-07
Accepted 2013-12-20
Published 2014-03-20

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