All-Ukrainian project “Cloud services in education” as a factor of development of cloud-oriented educational environments in general educational institutions
learning environment, cloud oriented, design, ICT, the experimentAbstract
Purpose is to develop, study and experimental verification of the model cloud oriented learning environment of an educational institution (COLE CEI). Based on the specific purpose to develop and justify the following objectives: to identify the main characteristics of COLE CEI; develop and implement a model of COLE CEI; design activities of students and teachers and organize their interaction in a time limit of COLE and outside school hours; analyze the use of electronic educational resources in COLE; develop guidelines for use of the COLE CEI; develop organizational and methodological support, including the development of the necessary documentation, planning, monitoring and control. The object of the research is: the process of designing and using cloud-based learning environment of an educational institution. The subjects of the study is: the model of cloud oriented learning environment of educational institution. The hypothesis of the study is that the use of cloud oriented learning environment of an educational institution positively affect the training, create conditions for the development of new methods and technology education students, increase student motivation to learn, ensure the development of ICT competence of teachers, which in turn lead to positive qualitative changes in the organization of the members of the educational process. The experiment is based on a general, theoretical (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, idealization, formalization and generalization data), empirical (diagnostic, observational and mathematical statistical data processing) and experimental (stating formative experiments) research methods. The main research method – comprehensive experiment (period: 2014-2017 academic years).
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Copyright (c) 2015 S. H. Lytvynova

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Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20