The cloud technologies for mathematics teachers training
cloud technologies, cloud computing, SCM, Web-SCM, SAGE, The Sagemath CloudAbstract
This article is devoted to modern approaches to interpretations of "the cloud technology", the types of cloud computing application for teachers training are discussed. A comparative analysis of Web-SCM SAGE and The Sagemath Cloud is made.
Aim: to do a theoretical analysis of pedagogical application of Web-SCM SAGE and The Sagemath Cloud.
Objectives: 1) to make an analysis of contemporary approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "of cloud technology"; 2) to consider Web-SCM in terms of the cloud-based environment; 3) to compare Web-SCM SAGE and The Sagemath Cloud.
Object of study: the learning process of university students with the support of cloud technologies.
Purpose of the study: to reveal the features of The Sagemath Cloud use in high school.
Methods: the study of the domestic scientific pedagogical publications on the problems of implementation and use of advanced cloud technology, and Web-SCM including Web-SAGE and The Sagemath Cloud.
Results: advantages and disadvantages of The Sagemath Cloud application in comparison to the Web-SCM SAGE are revealed.
Conclusions considered various interpretations regarding the concept of "of cloud technology", comparison of Web-SCM SAGE and The Sagemath Cloud as learning tools.
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Accepted 2013-12-20
Published 2014-03-20