The using cloud technologies in training future tax specialists of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
cloud technology, cloud platform, cloud storage, cloud-based office, information and communication technologiesAbstract
The use of professional applications in the educational process on the basis of cloud services was realized in the sphere of professional training of future tax specialists of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFSU). The purpose is to research professional prospects of cloud applications that open up new possibilities for their use in the professional-oriented space. The research is directed at the studies of the cloud technologies used in education and at the outline of main trends and prospects for their use in the training of specialists of the SFSU. The most famous cloud platforms provide the opportunity for interactive online interaction between teachers and students in training and allow introducing new innovative forms of use of modern means of data transmission. The development of professional client applications based on cloud services and the organization of methods of their use in the training of future tax professionals is still actual. The use of cloud technologies in the training process stimulates professional growth of future tax specialists, develops intellectual abilities and allows possibilities to understand the profession better.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20