Implementation of information and communication technologies when preparing future lawyers
computing competencies, ICT training, cloud technologies, cloud storage, law students, legal information and electronic databases, legal systems, websitesAbstract
Implementation and application of cloud computing technologies at all stages of the learning process, regardless the studying discipline, preparation of the competent specialist for further professional activities are the main objectives of the university. In the article were investigated the ways of forming computing competencies by reviewing and improving practical skills of students from law faculties in information and electronic databases, online legal information retrieval systems using cloud storage. The main object of the article is a process of teaching students, the subject – information and communication technologies for trainings. It is necessary to pay attention on the necessity of implementing ICT training to the studying process by applying modern software and technologies for its future usage in professional activity. Methods: experimental investigating the process of implementing partly-searched and problem oriented materials in studying process. Expected results: higher level of the student professional skills in using electronic, information and legal databases and cloud computing technologies. Developed an outline for the lesson of the course “Modern Information Technologies” to form a computing competencies in 1st year students of the Law faculty. This development allows to improve the methods of implementing ICT in a future lawyers studying process.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20