The use of cloud technologies in preparing future teachers




cloud technologies, future teachers, 3D-books


Research goals: highlight key features and benefits of using cloud technologies in the preparation of future teachers. Research objectives: implementation of cloud technologies in the educational process and the inclusion of relevant disciplines to master skills with them. Object of research: the use of cloud technologies in education. Subject of research: educational and appropriate use of cloud technologies in the preparation of future teachers. Research methods used: analysis of publications. Results of the research. The importance of the use of cloud technology in the preparation of future teachers reveals. It deals with individual web services that simplify the interaction of participants of joint training activities. The relevance of the training of teachers to create 3D-books in the future professional activity underlined. The main conclusions and recommendations: cloud technologies in the educational process in educational institutions today provide opportunities to freely use applications (programs) and allow to create optimal conditions for increasing the motivation of future teachers for teaching and research.


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Cloud-based Learning Environments

How to Cite

Andriievska, V.M. and Olefirenko, N.V., 2015. The use of cloud technologies in preparing future teachers. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 3, pp.78–87. Available from: [Accessed 9 February 2025].
Received 2014-11-24
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20