Features of the teacher training as leader of the implementation of ICT innovations
digital citizenship, leadership, critical and creative thinking, master programsAbstract
The purpose of the work is a study of professional training students’ features at pedagogical universities to acquire innovative practices by means of information and communication technologies (ICT). Objective is to determine innovative approaches to the integration of ICT in education in terms of preparing young people for the digital citizenship, determine the possibilities and leadership potential of formation of student’s features at pedagogical universities to ICT innovation. The object of the work is the process of professional training students of pedagogical universities, subject – features of acquiring experience of students’ innovation activity at pedagogical universities in conditions of ICT integration in education.
To achieve this goal used methods: theoretical, scientific analysis, educational and methodological literature on the study; empirical: analysis of the performance of teachers and students, observation, questionnaire, interview. The main results: 1) analysis of information sources proved that Ukraine has recently intensified research and wide discussions on a radical restructuring education in which a teacher that works with others on systemic change in education is a key figure in the solution of complex problems of training youth to digital citizenship; 2) it needs to pay special attention to overcoming the contradictions between society and challenges of existing programs of professional training students of pedagogical universities to acquiring innovative practice of ICT integration in education.
The main conclusion and recommendations: it’s necessary implementing master programs (such as “educational technologist”) for the preparation of future teachers who are proficient to effective interactivity in communities of practice and critical evaluation of educational process as well as predicting consequences and accelerated response that is linked with integration of technologies of the digital space.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20