LMS service for SaaS as alternative solution to the problem of designing a cloud-based learning environment for computer science bachelors





LMS, cloud, cloud technologies, cloud-based learning environment


Research goal is theoretical justification of using the learning management systems (LMS) as the SaaS service for designing cloud-based learning environment of the university. Research objectives: to consider the basic models of cloud services representation; to review the existing SaaS LMS, to characterize their basic functionality; to conduct the generic systematization and comparison of the cloud LMS. Object of research is the process of learning of informatics bachelor in higher educational institutions. Research subject – cloud platform for designing cloud-based learning environment for bachelors of informatics. Methods of research: theoretical, comparative and systematic analysis of educational, scientific sources; synthesis, synthesis and conceptualization. Results of the research. The article presents the basic model representation of cloud services that provide global providers, reviewed existing learning management system for the service SaaS, given their basic functionality, and conducted a generalized systematization and comparative characteristics of cloud learning management systems. The main conclusions: combining LMS service for SaaS is an alternative solution of the problem of designing a cloud-based learning environment of university.


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Cloud-based Learning Environments

How to Cite

Vakaliuk, T.A., 2015. LMS service for SaaS as alternative solution to the problem of designing a cloud-based learning environment for computer science bachelors. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 3, pp.118–125. Available from: https://doi.org/10.55056/cte.253 [Accessed 15 October 2024].
Received 2014-11-24
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20

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