Adaptation of cloud computing in e-learning system


  • S. A. Pottosina Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics image/svg+xml
  • T. S. Dziabikhina Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics image/svg+xml



cloud computing, e-learning system


Research goal: development strategy for the use of cloud computing in e-learning. Research objectives: to describe problems faced by e-learning software developers that use cloud services; to describe a number of types and models of services currently offered by cloud providers. Object of research: cloud computing. Subject of research: adaptation of cloud computing in e-learning system. Research methods used: analysis of publications. Results of the research. The report presents the author's point of view on problems faced by e-learning software developers that use cloud services. It describes a number of types and models of services currently offered by cloud providers. As an example, the report describes a platform for doing programming assignments for students. The main conclusions and recommendations. To build a platform of creating software applications for online courses students are encouraged to use the PaaS-solution (Cloud Foundry).


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Cloud-based Learning Environments

How to Cite

Pottosina, S.A. and Dziabikhina, T.S., 2015. Adaptation of cloud computing in e-learning system. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 3, pp.126–130. Available from: [Accessed 9 February 2025].
Received 2014-10-23
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20