Using the HN-MOOC platform to support learning in secondary schools
MOOC, distance learning, skills, contentAbstract
The goal – testing the author’s conception Hybrid network Massive open online courses (HN-MOOC) in real educational practice of secondary school. Tasks – training of teachers working in an environment HN-MOOC; development of classifiers in the subjects and teaching materials; creating individual copyright thematic sheets; trial training students. The object of study – distance learning environment for Hybrid network Massive open online courses (HN-MOOC). Subject of research – the organization of educational interaction among HN-MOOC. Method of research: experiment. A prototype based on the services of Google. The entry point In the prototype, the following main components: user authentication, lists of items subject classifications in subjects management training elements, binding abilities (skills) to the themes and educational elements. Developed a form of thematic sheets on which the educational interaction of students and teachers.
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Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20