Cloud-based and mobile learning in the training of specialists in higher education
cloud-based learning, mobile learningAbstract
Research goal: analysis of the possibility of introducing cloud-based and mobile learning in vocational training in high school. Research objectives: maintenance and development of teachers teaching practical skills using modern technologies, which will be the foundation of cloud and mobile technologies. Object of research: cloud-based and mobile learning. Subject of research: cloud-based and mobile learning in the training of specialists in higher education. Research methods used: analysis of publications. Results of the research. The key components of the functionality of cloud technology in teaching is to provide remote access to educational services and materials for independent work of students, the continuity and extension of their education, mobility of educational communication and reduce costs of operation and educational content. Cloud technology can be placed in a cloud environment, traditional university educational content component, providing distributed in time and space educational communication, significantly increases the performance of students and teachers, prolongs the process of self-education. The main conclusions. The cloud as a new organizational form of the use of Internet resources and communications with resource outsourcing can effectively store information, work with it from any fixed or mobile device, share it, blurring the boundaries of time and place educational process.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20