Higher engineering education at DonNTU: from tradition to innovation
higher engineering education, blended model of learning, pedagogical experimentAbstract
Research goals: to explore the possibility of a mixed model of learning at a technical university. Research objectives: to explore the use of innovative IT technologies; to apply innovative pedagogical model for teaching undergraduates and specialists in technical training areas and specialties. The object of research is the organization of the educational process. The blended model of learning is the subject of the research. Research methods used: a survey and experimental research. The result of the research is the preparation and conduct of the pedagogical experiment on the use of blended learning at the technical university. As a result, the preparation of pedagogical experiment electronic cases of disciplines were developed, engineering and organizational support for access to the corporate network and the Internet, online services for student interaction with faculty and self-control were provided. The main conclusions and recommendations. Experience of the experiment can be recommended for the synthesis and the formation of the Ministry of Education and Science proposals to amend the norms of teaching load while using of the innovative learning technologies.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20