Virtual learning how to innovative educational activities




educational resources, virtual learning, innovative technologies


Research goals: Virtual learning teacher training opportunities to improve their own teaching skills, as well as determine the path to successful learning and self-education. Research objectives: analysis of the modern educational resources; disclosure of virtual education opportunities. Object of research: Virtual learning how to innovative educational activities. Subject of research: the formation of information and computer competence of the teacher and students. Research methods used: theoretical – analysis of scientific and methodical literature, curricula and standards; empirical – training, supervision on the educational process. Results of the research. The article analyzes the current educational resources, open the possibility of virtual education. Focuses on the study of the efficiency of information and communication technologies on information and computer competence, both the teacher and students. Discusses the various forms of teacher training, virtual learning priority for lifelong learning each subject of the educational process. The main conclusions and recommendations. Innovative learning technologies contribute to the further development of each person – and the teacher and the student. The following blocks are the most relevant: the learning process (integrative its region), extracurricular activities (virtual tours, educational and research projects), construction of individual educational trajectory.


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Cloud-based learning management systems

How to Cite

Matveeva, E.F., Mkrttchian, V.S., Stepkina, N.N. and Amreeva, M.D., 2015. Virtual learning how to innovative educational activities. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 3, pp.274–279. Available from: [Accessed 15 October 2024].
Received 2014-10-17
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20

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