Preparing future teachers of informatics to professional orientation in IT-specialities high school pupils
preparing teachers of computer science, information technologies, practice, professional orientation, the IT-professionAbstract
The aim of the article is to describe the program of practice in information technologies for future teachers of informatics. Object of research is preparing future teachers of informatics; subject of research is formation of teachers’ skills in professional orientation high school pupils in IT-specialities. The research used the methods of theoretical analysis and pedagogical experiment. As a result of research is created a program of practice in information technologies for future teachers of informatics. The purpose of the program is formation of teachers’ skills in professional orientation high school pupils in IT-specialties using information technologies. The ability and willingness of teachers to professional orientation high school pupils in IT-specialities is a condition of students’ successful professional self-determination and promotes to development of economic independence of our country.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20