The use of the modern informational technology in the blended learning of fundamental disciplines
blended learning, higher mathematics, informational technologyAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to develop the non-traditional methods of teaching, based on the use of cloud technologies that allow to increase the effectiveness of student learning, in particular, to intensify their independent work. So, when teaching the higher mathematics course, the authors offer to solve the most of the examples, using both the traditional classical approach and the modern informational technology. It is noted that the proposed blended form of teaching acquires a special role in individual learning, as well as in independent work of students, when a remote component of learning based on the use of cloud technologies is dominated. The authors show that this approach not only contributes to the successful study of the higher mathematics course, but also stimulates the interest of students to work independently, that will have a positive impact on the further introduction cloudy-oriented technologies in the educational process.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20