The introduction of blended learning in the process of learning mathematics
blended learning, traditional learning, ICT, ICT toolsAbstract
The aim of this study is analyzing the implementation of blended learning in learning higher mathematics of engineering students at higher technical educational institutions. Objectives of the study is to analyze the existing approaches to constructing blended learning environments, forming requirements to blended learning tools, the selection on the basis of the requirements of ICT training to build a blended learning environment for subdivision of university. The object of research is the process of learning of higher mathematics of engineering students at higher technical educational institutions. The subject of research is the use of a blended learning in learning higher mathematics of engineering students at higher technical educational institutions. In this work the analysis and systematization of research on the use of blended learning in learning higher mathematics engineering students of higher technical educational institutions. Results of the study is leading the direction of the learning process of mathematics at the higher technical educational institutions is the integration of traditional teaching and learning through the Internet and multimedia, which promotes the harmonious combination of theoretical and practical components of the learning process.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2014-12-26
Published 2015-03-20