Massive open online courses in the system of training of future teachers including practice of Media education




massive open online course, media and information competence of future teachers


The aim of the study is to consider the details of the training for teachers including practice of media education and creating an annotated list of massive open online courses for this training. The objectives of the study are to analyze existing online courses of various kinds for the diverse teacher training to implement media education activities. The object of research is the process of training of future teachers including media educational activities in their practical work. The subject of research is the applying of potential of MOOC in the training of future media educators. The basic requirements for formation of media and information competence of the teacher are considered, existing of online courses for the formation of that competence is analyzed. Experimental verification to assess the efficiency of online courses in training of media educators is planned. Results of the study: summarizing the development of recommendations for using the massive open online courses in training of media educators is planned.


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Cloud technologies of open education

How to Cite

Ostapenko, L.P. and Solovyova, O.K., 2017. Massive open online courses in the system of training of future teachers including practice of Media education. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 4, pp.71–75. Available from: [Accessed 6 February 2025].
Received 2016-02-06
Accepted 2016-04-26
Published 2017-03-21