Mobile technologies as a tools to support learning at the school course of inorganic chemistry




educational process, e-support, inorganic chemistry, ICT, mobile application, AndroidStudio, ChemStudio


In the article deals with the peculiarities and the use of electronic educational resources, including mobile technologies in the educational process in the study of chemistry. Objective: To show the possible use of mobile technologies in the study of inorganic chemistry school course. Tasks: to analyze of electronic support study course of inorganic chemistry; to describe the existing mobile applications to study chemistry; to describe peculiarities of the developed mobile application ChemStudio. Object of research – especially the use of mobile technology in education. Subject of research – development of mobile app ChemStudio to support school course in inorganic chemistry. Research methods: carried out a survey among students, which showed that the use of mobile technology can greatly facilitate the learning process and make it more interesting. The main conclusions: 1) the use of mobile technology in the classroom will promote the study of school subjects, including inorganic chemistry course; 2) the use of developed mobile application ChemStudio is an expedient tool of electronic support for the study of inorganic chemistry school course.


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Cloud technologies of mobile learning

How to Cite

Hranovska, T.I. and Laptyeva, M.V., 2017. Mobile technologies as a tools to support learning at the school course of inorganic chemistry. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 4, pp.82–92. Available from: [Accessed 5 November 2024].
Received 2016-02-15
Accepted 2016-04-26
Published 2017-03-21

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