Computer models for interdisciplinary links support in high school




computer models, interdisciplinary links, didactic support


The aim of the work is to develop computer dynamic models and didactic support for high school students’ studies using the models for understanding interdisciplinary relations. The objectives are to establish and analyze computer science interdisciplinary links with other academic disciplines that form the basis for the development of computer models. The object of the research is the process of establishing interdisciplinary connections by high school students, learning natural and mathematical sciences; subject of the research is the realization of interdisciplinary links by high school students using computer models. The applied methods include analysis, modeling and computational experiment. As a result there were determined interdisciplinary links of computer science with other disciplines of high school, there were also developed computer dynamic models and didactic support to them on purpose of high school students’ research as for the awareness of interdisciplinary links. The prospects of the work are to upload the complex of the models to GeoGebra Book service and to extend the didactic support.


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Cloud technologies for informatics learning

How to Cite

Grisun, L.E. and Sherstyuk, D.G., 2017. Computer models for interdisciplinary links support in high school. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 4, pp.135–139. Available from: [Accessed 9 February 2025].
Received 2016-03-04
Accepted 2016-04-26
Published 2017-03-21