The specificity of students’ independent work in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning
management of independent work of students, blended learning, computer-based tools, disciplines of natural-mathematical cycleAbstract
Research goals: to characterize features of independent work of students in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning and to characterize features of management of such work. Object of research: students’ learning in mathematics and natural sciences. Subject of research: independent work of students in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning. Research methods used: analysis of scientific sources, pedagogical observation. Results of the research. Features of the independent work of students in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning are: the large share of productive learning activity, including research activity in learning; gradual transition in learning process from use the reproductive learning methods to part-search and creative learning methods; high systematization and, simultaneously, continuous updates of educational material; the need to implement an individual approach to the choice of learning methods and levels of tasks for each student; need of operational targeted assistance to the student; active application of the professional-oriented computer tools during independent work according to the level of informatization future careers. The specified features impose certain requirements for the management of independent work of students in the learning process of disciplines of naturally-mathematical cycle and determine the characteristics of management: management flexibility is manifested in the implementation of adaptive mode of presentation of the trainig tasks to a student; the personification of a management of independent work of students is provided by a variety of computer tools and the varied methods of their application, that enables the selection of individual variants of independent work for each student; operativeness of correction of student activities is based on the accumulation and analysis of statistical data about the progress and performance of training activities of each student. The main conclusions and recommendations. The use of a variety of computer means in the conditions of blended learning provides: effective work of the teacher and students, learning of the large volume of material by students, timely correction of educational activity of students, enhancing their independence, the transition from the reproductive character of independent work of students to part-search and creative activity.
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Accepted 2016-04-26
Published 2017-03-21