Use of environment CoCalc and commercial systems and computer mathematics
cloud technologies, cloud services, systems of computer mathematics (SCM), Web-SCM, CoCalcAbstract
The aim of this study is perform a comparative analysis and justify the expediency of the use in teaching CoCalc. Objectives of the study is compare Web-access to CoCalc and commercial SCM to analyze suitability for use in the educational process CoCalc and commercial systems SCM, the example of some commercial SCM (MathCAD and Maple) to consider the disadvantages of their use to reveal the contents of components CoCalc. The object of research is the process of using cloud environment CoCalc in pedagogical education institution. The subject of research is means of environment CoCalc. The paper considers the problem of the use of environment CoCalc and commercial of computer mathematics. The historical overview of the cloud environment are its basic components that can be used in the educational process teaching high school. A comparative analysis CoCalc and commercial SCM criteria for mobility, life learning, chargeless. Results of the study is the advantages of the use of cloud environment CoCalc in the learning process.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2016-04-26
Published 2017-03-21