Using a cloud-based CAD systems into professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers




Computer Aided Design (CAD), cloud services, mobile services, Autodesk, Google


The aim of this study is the selection of cloud-oriented CAD systems, which should be used in a professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers. Objectives of the study: to analyze the feasibility of using cloud-oriented CAD systems in professional and practical training bachelors of applied mechanics; to perform a selection of automated design tools that should be used in future studies of Mechanical Engineers. The object of research is a professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers. The subject of research is the use of cloud-oriented CAD systems into professional and practical training bachelors of applied mechanics. The paper analyzes the relevance and feasibility of using a cloud-oriented CAD systems into professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers, elected complex software, cloud and mobile services for the professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers, the model with the use of the account Google.


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Cloud technologies for informatics learning

How to Cite

Rassovytska, M.V. and Striuk, A.M., 2017. Using a cloud-based CAD systems into professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 4, pp.168–174. Available from: [Accessed 10 October 2024].
Received 2016-04-03
Accepted 2016-04-26
Published 2017-03-21

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