Using Learning Content Management System Moodle in Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University educational process
learning content management system Moodle, LCMS Moodle, surveyAbstract
The article analyzes the results of the survey of 75 lecturers on using learning content management system (LCMS) Moodle in the educational process. It is defined that more than 75% of the respondents use LCMS Moodle. The lecturers up to 30 or over 60 years old, with up to 3-year-work experience in Universities need methodic assistance. Textual e-learning resources are widely used in developed courses while video and audio are not used enough. LCMS Moodle is mostly used during exams or tests and student work, and using LCMS Moodle should be intensified in lectures, laboratory and practical classes. Among the most demanded resources are label, page, file, URL, book, assignment, attendance, glossary, quiz. Thus, the popularization of other resources is identified as one of the most important. An action plan how to improve LCMS Moodle usage: increasing the IT competencies of both teachers and students – planned long-term courses “IT in full-time (blended) learning”; seminars, consultations, (group and individual forms) both on general issues, and according to the specificity of the specialties; methodic handouts and recommendations; improving logistics; improving logistical support – ensuring constant access to the Internet, updating and equipping computer classrooms; creating of transparent, predictable and attractive for authors content of the regulatory framework.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2019-12-20
Published 2020-03-20