Defining and modeling of students’ professional thinking development dependence on their training process organization




professional thinking development, education technology, training process


The professional thinking issues are analyzed in the research. The authors pointed that the technical thought concepts, images and practical actions are in a complex and dynamic interaction with each other. The components of professional thinking are considered in detail. The training method based on the implementation of forming influence is proposed. The regression analysis of the students’ academic progress indicators who are trained by the traditional and innovative methodology with forming influence is conducted in the article. Analysis of thinking activity development levels in the process of professional tasks solving performed by the students of the control and experimental groups demonstrated the straight-line correlation dependence of the professional thinking development on the organization of professional activity in general and the training organization in particular.


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How to Cite

Kupin, A.I., Tarasova, O.V., Sulyma, T.S., Sokolova, S.V., Muzyka, I.O. and Tron, V.V., 2019. Defining and modeling of students’ professional thinking development dependence on their training process organization. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 6, pp.33–47. Available from: [Accessed 12 November 2024].
Received 2019-01-05
Accepted 2019-01-17
Published 2019-03-21

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