Analyzing of main trends of STEM education in Ukraine using statistics




cloud educational environment, STEM, trends, education, scientific method


STEM-education is a modern effective approach that nowadays can be interpreted in very different ways and it even has some modification (STEM/STEAM/STREAM). Anyway, the “New Ukrainian school” concept includes approaches similar to STEM-education. However, there wasn’t analyzed the current state of STEM-education in Ukraine. We propose to analyses it by using SEO analysis of one of the most popular STEM-oriented cloud environment in Ukraine It is proposed to use the cycle for cloud-based educational environments (publishing/SEO analysis/team’s brainstorm/prediction/creation of further plan) to improve their efficiency. It is found, that STEM-based and traditional publications are characterized by similar demand of educational process stakeholders. However, the way how teachers and students found the publication proves that traditional keywords (47.99 %) used significantly more common than STEM keywords (2.67 %). Therefore, it is proved that STEM-methods are less in demand than traditional ones. However, considering the huge positive effect of the STEM method, cloud educational environment provides a positive effect on the educational process by including the STEM-aspects during finding traditional approaches of education by stakeholders of the educational process.


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Cloud technologies in STEAM education

How to Cite

Shapovalov, Y.B., Shapovalov, V.B., Andruszkiewicz, F. and Volkova, N.P., 2020. Analyzing of main trends of STEM education in Ukraine using statistics. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 7, pp.448–461. Available from: [Accessed 11 November 2024].
Received 2019-07-07
Accepted 2019-12-20
Published 2020-03-20

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