Exploring the landscape of e-learning for lifelong education of public servants: trends, challenges, and implications
information and communication technologies, civil servants, e-learningAbstract
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the various components comprising the lifelong education system for public servants. With the advancement of e-government being a pivotal aspect of public administration, the significance of e-learning as a crucial tool for equipping public servants to fulfill this objective is examined. The study analyzes both domestic and international experiences of e-learning for public servants, encompassing distance education, blended learning, and its integration within traditional classroom settings. The article sheds light on the potential threats and benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training, drawing insights from a survey conducted among civil servants who received ICT training in Ukrainian higher educational institutions. By drawing upon scientific and empirical evidence, the trends in e-learning development are identified, with certain countries serving as exemplars in addressing the current challenges in this field. This article serves as a valuable resource for understanding the current landscape of e-learning in the context of lifelong education for public servants, highlighting emerging trends, inherent challenges, and the wider implications for effective governance.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yevhen M. Khrykov, Olga M. Ptakhina, Tetiana V. Sych, Dmytro I. Dzvinchuk
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2022-12-22
Published 2023-03-21