Problematic issues of digitalization of education in Eastern Europe




digitization, distance education, technical provision, innovative economy, pandemic


Digital technology permeates all aspects of life. During the pandemic, all countries in the world began to use distance learning methods through the use of digital platforms, classes, labs. Digitalization avoided the collapse of the educational system. The aim of the article is to analyze the processes of digitization of education in Eastern Europe. To achieve the goal of the article, the following tasks were set: to study the theoretical basis of the digitization of education, to analyze the trends in the digitization of education in Eastern Europe, to develop recommendations for improving the digitization of education. The article analyzed the ranks of the Network Readiness Index and the Global Digital Readiness Index in terms of the technological readiness of higher education institutions and students for distance education. The article offers a case study of the Ukrainian university for the implementation of an e-learning environment. The authors grouped countries from Eastern Europe according to their potential for digitizing education. For these groups of countries, the authors identified specific criteria. SWOT an analysis of the digitization of education was conducted for the countries of Eastern Europe.


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Digital Transformation of Education

How to Cite

Simakhova, A.O., Artyukhov, A.E. and Shmarlouskaya, H.A., 2022. Problematic issues of digitalization of education in Eastern Europe. CTE Workshop Proceedings [Online], 9, pp.1–15. Available from: [Accessed 6 February 2025].
Received 2021-06-24
Accepted 2021-12-17
Published 2022-03-21