Developing digital competence of teachers in postgraduate education using Google Workspace for Education
digital competence, postgraduate education, distance education, Google Workspace for EducationAbstract
Digital competence is a key skill for teachers in the era of distance education. However, developing digital competence requires appropriate forms and training methods that utilise the available technologies and tools. In this article, we explore how Google Workspace for Education, a cloud service that offers various digital education tools, can foster digital competence among teachers in postgraduate education. We draw on our experience organising and conducting distance learning courses for university teachers at the Department of Open Educational Systems and Information and Communication Technologies of the Institute of Postgraduate Education. We present the theoretical background of competence, digital competence, and distance education and the educational opportunities that Google Workspace for Education provides. Using Google Classroom as the main platform, we describe the effective ways of developing digital competence in distance learning. We analyse the participants' learning outcomes and the benefits of collaborative learning. We also report the results of our research on developing teachers' digital competence based on selected criteria and indicators. We highlight the promising trends and challenges in developing teachers' digital competence in distance education.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Victor V. Oliynyk, Nataliia I. Gushchyna, Liudmyla H. Kondratova, Serhii P. Kasian
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2023-12-17
Published 2024-03-20