Monitoring the psychological component of higher education quality using ICT tools
higher education, quality, monitoring, psychological component, ICT , Google services, Google FormsAbstract
This study examines the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to monitor the psychological component of higher education quality. A literature review covers the concepts of higher education quality and its monitoring, the psychological factors involved, and the potential of ICT tools, including Google services. The study details a monitoring procedure using Google Forms to assess indicators like relationships between participants, satisfaction levels, and organisational climate. The computer program “Personnel – Ψ” is also presented as a tool for comprehensive psychological diagnostics of teachers. The advantages of using ICT tools for efficient data collection, analysis and management are discussed. The results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of using ICT to improve monitoring of the psychological aspects of educational quality and make evidence-based decisions to enhance the educational environment. The use of user-friendly tools like Google Forms facilitates regular assessment of quality indicators and aids institutions in ensuring participant satisfaction and optimal conditions for learning and growth.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Olena I. Bondarchuk, Valentyna V. Balakhtar, Kateryna S. Pavlenok, Valeriy O. Kyrichuk, Nataliia O. Yakubovska, Tamara V. Grubi
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2024-01-27
Published 2024-03-20