Electronic educational methodical complex "Construction of car" in vocational training of future teachers of professional education
information and communication technologies (ICT), open educational resources, electronic educational methodical complex (EEMC), vocational training, future teachers, professional education, transport educationAbstract
The paper presents the content, structure and approaches to using the author's electronic educational methodical complex (EEMC) "Construction of car" in vocational training of future professional education teachers in the transport field. The EEMC combines electronic educational resources - electronic textbooks, laboratories, tests, guidelines, reference books, etc. This allows students to organise various learning activities - studying theoretical material, performing lab experiments, knowledge assessment, and independent work. The quality of the EEMC was evaluated by 12 experts in the field using a competent estimation method. The high concordance index confirmed the good quality of the EEMC. Using the EEMC in vocational training increased students' learning motivation, developed representational thinking, shaped informational culture, and prepared them to apply ICT in future professional work. Prospects for further improvement of the EEMC are outlined.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mykhailo H. Pohorielov, Olena O. Lavrentieva, Volodymyr I. Bondarenko, Igor G. Britchenko, Andrii A. Dorohan

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2024-01-27
Published 2024-03-20