Trends and challenges in implementing media education in Ukraine
media education, media literacy, Ukraine, computer science teachers, pedagogy, critical thinkingAbstract
This paper examines the importance and current state of media education in Ukraine. It discusses the need to develop media literacy skills in both students and teachers in today's information society. The paper overviews efforts to implement media education in Ukraine, including introducing relevant concepts and experimental courses. It analyses pedagogical aspects of preparing future computer science teachers to teach media literacy, such as developing their motivational, cognitive, interpretative-creative, and other relevant skills. The paper also identifies existing challenges and problems hindering the advancement of media education in Ukraine. It concludes that despite difficulties, the initial positive steps give hope for further successful development of media education in the country.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Iryna M. Naumuk, Nataliia V. Valko

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2024-01-27
Published 2024-03-20