The school's contingent registration data cloud to keep track of student progress
data cloud, track of student progressAbstract
To solve the problem of collecting and maintaining up-to-date personal data on the participants of the educational process and data on the progress of students it is proposed to use a virtual database - some cloud of personal files storage for the information system of the educational institution. It should consist of a local database of the contingent of the educational institution and its achievements, as well as a remote database of some third-party organization that provides support for current personal data of all participants in the educational process, for example - a unified registration database of citizens.
Pat. # 70692 Ukraina, MPK G06Q 90/00, G06F 17/40, G06F 17/30. Sposib pobudovy informatsiinoi systemy orhanizatsii z obchysliuvalnoiu khmaroiu dlia dostupu do aktualnykh reiestratsiinykh danykh svoho kontynhentu / V. K. Tolstykh, O. Yu. Kozhemiakin ; zaiavl. 17.11.2011 ; opubl. 25.06.2012.
Tolstykh V. K. O edinoi registratcionnoi baze grazhdan i strukture dannykh lichnosti v etoi baze / V. K. Tolstykh, L. N. Kiseleva // Reiestratsiia, zberihannia i obrobka danykh. – 2012. – T. 13, # 3. – S. 81-91.
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Accepted 2012-12-23
Published 2013-03-21