Educational digital games: models and implementation
educational digital games, game-based learning, advantages and challenges of educational games, Education Design Laboratory modelAbstract
Nowadays, social media, ICT, mobile technologies and applications are increasingly used as tools for communication, interaction, building up social skills and unique learning environments. One of the latest trends observed in education is an attempt to streamline the learning process by applying educational digital games. Despite numerous research data, that confirms the positive effects of digital games, their integration into formal educational contexts is still relatively low. The purpose of this article is to analyze, discuss and conclude what is necessary to start using games as an instructional tool in formal education. In order to achieve this aim, a complex of qualitative research methods, including semi-structured expert interviews was applied. As the result, the potential of educational digital games to give a unique and safe learning environment with a wide spectrum of build-in assistive features, be efficient in specific training contexts, help memorize studied material and incorporate different learning styles, as well as to be individually adaptable, was determined. At the same time, the need for complex approach affecting the administration, IT departments, educators, students, parents, a strong skill set and a wide spectrum of different roles and tasks a teacher carries out in a digital game-based learning class were outlined. In conclusion and as a vector for further research, the organization of Education Design Laboratory as an integral part of a contemporary educational institution was proposed.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Anastasiia V. Tokarieva, Nataliia P. Volkova, Inesa V. Harkusha, Vladimir N. Soloviev
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2019-09-09
Published 2019-12-19