A symbolic-arithmetic for teaching double-black node removal in red-black trees





red-black tree, double-black node removal, symbolic-algebraic arithmetic, algorithm, tree balance, data structures, computer science education


A red-black (RB) tree is a data structure with red and black nodes coloration. The red and black color of nodes make up the principal component for balancing a RB tree. A balanced tree has an equal number of black nodes on any simple path. But when a black leaf node is deleted, a double-black (DB) node is formed, thus, causing a reduction in black heights and the tree becomes unbalanced. Rebalancing a RB tree with a DB node is a fairly complex process. Teaching and learning the removal of DB nodes is also challenging. This paper introduces a simplified novel method which is a symbolic-algebraic arithmetic procedure for the removal of DB nodes and the rebalancing of black heights in RB trees. This simplified approach has enhanced student learning of the DB node removal in RB trees. Feedback from students showed the learnability, workability and acceptance of the symbolic-algebraic method in balancing RB trees after a delete operation.


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How to Cite

Ehimwenma, K.E., Wang, J., Zheng, Z. and Zhou, H., 2022. A symbolic-arithmetic for teaching double-black node removal in red-black trees. Educational Dimension [Online], 7, pp.112–129. Available from: https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.7629 [Accessed 8 December 2024].
Received 2022-10-06
Accepted 2022-11-28
Published 2022-12-11

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