ISSN 2708-4612 (online)
Early Access
Early Access articles are peer-reviewed, accepted articles to be published in this journal (articles in press). When the final article is assigned to volumes/issues of the journal, the early access version will be removed and the final version will appear in the associated published volumes/issues of the journal. The date an article was first made available online will be carried over. Please be aware that, although accepted papers in the press do not have all bibliographic details available yet, they can already be cited using the DOI. -
Vol. 11 (2024)
In this issue:
- The concept of “intercultural competence” in educational and scientific discourses
- Bibliometric visualisation of student knowledge and skills in key literacy domains
- Effect of written corrective feedback in research writing competence of non-education students
- Educational technology for the formation of project competence for engineering students
- Examination of the relationship between authentic assessment and generic competencies among undergraduate science student-teachers in Tanzanian universities
- Enhancing combat readiness via evidence-based pedagogical innovations in National Guard of Ukraine officer training
- Social engineering as a component of professional competence in information security of future computer science teachers
- Benchmarking in online maritime education: tracing the evolution of assessment in electronic educational environments
- Pedagogical technologies for teaching environmental engineering in the online learning system of higher education institution
- The teachers' ban or permission of smartphone use in Algerian secondary school classrooms
- Tasks with parameters: a digitized approach
- Early grade pupils’ development of Mathematics skills: Perceived challenges and culturally relevant strategies for parental involvement
Vol. 10 (2024)
In this issue:
- Retraction of published article due to the author's proposal
- Parents’ perspectives on homework practices in pre-primary school children in Tanzania: a phenomenological analysis
- Praxeological tales as an innovative media product for fostering successful personalities in primary school pupils
- Principles and tools of designing effective e-simulators for primary school students
- Didactic foundations of forming mathematical competence of secondary school students in learning the syntax of the Ukrainian language
- Translating the realities of a German fairy tale as a means of improving translation competence
- Teachers' digital competency in using digital lesson content for teaching and learning in secondary schools in Zanzibar
- Online course as a means of developing master's professional competencies: results of a pedagogical experiment
- The growth of cyberbullying among youth in higher learning institutions: a bibliometric analysis
- Selecting project management ICT tools for informal education of IT professionals
- Teaching WebAR development with integrated machine learning: a methodology for immersive and intelligent educational experiences
- Mobility in socio-educational and technical systems: an integrative model for the information society
Vol. 9 (2023)
In this issue:
- Blended learning for teacher training: benefits, challenges, and recommendations
- Improving blended learning in higher technical education institutions with mobile and cloud-based ICTs
- Historical and pedagogical aspects of foreign language education in Ukraine
- An overview of Maritime English teaching and its principles, with a focus on practical applications and best practices online
- MOOCs: an insider’s perspective on a novel educational method with historical, organizational, participatory, and evaluative aspects
- Online lecture strategies for quality training of future primary school teachers
- Adaptive learning concept selection: a bibliometric review of scholarly literature from 2011 to 2019
- Exploring the landscape of STEM education and personnel training: a comprehensive systematic review
- A methodological framework for using cloud-based mobile mathematical environments in higher education
- Overview of Agile frameworks in Computer Science education
- Assessing the effectiveness of research and academic staff's scientific activity: definition of criteria and indicators
- A teenager's psychological potential actualizing model in the children's health and recreation facility developmental environment
Vol. 8 (2023)
In this issue:
- Paediatric endocrinology curriculum content uniformity across medical schools in Southern Nigeria - Lecturers' report
- Distance learning expert and leader
- Using interactive learning in future aviation professionals teaching English
- Didactic potential of historical research of the Germans in Ukraine
- On the question of the establishment and development of languages education in Canada (XVII - the beginning of XXI century)
- Blended learning: definition, concept, and relevance
- Exploring the quantum frontier in school informatics: a pedagogical journey
- Revitalizing education through the integration of cloud technologies
- Enhancing software engineering education in higher education institutions through cloud-based learning tools: methodological and practical perspectives
- Principles of a unified open personalized computer-integrated learning environment for the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Selection of pedagogical conditions for training STEM teachers to use augmented reality technologies in their work
- An augmented reality-based virtual chemistry laboratory to support educational and research activities of 11th grade students
Vol. 7 (2022)
In this issue:
- Design of innovative pedagogical systems as a transdisciplinary-oriented concept
- Technologically organized instructional process of higher education
- Theoretical principles of modeling the process of forming realistic professional aim of the future psychologist in the conditions of master's training
- Exploratory analysis and models for strategic learning towards equilibrium
- A symbolic-arithmetic for teaching double-black node removal in red-black trees
- Structurization of educational expedition studies in the form of taxonomies
- Some aspects of the use of cloud computing in the training of physics teachers
- Designing a didactic fairy tale as a key to advanced Physics and Mathematics training in primary schools
- How can the principles of learning be used to select the best ICT tools for computer-based chemistry instruction in high school?
- The experience of thesis writing in terms of the methodological students' digital competence development
- Features of using Moodle tools in the training of future social workers
- Distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic: mobile information and communications technology overview
Vol. 6 (2022)
In this issue:
- Formation of software design skills among software engineering students
- The importance of computational thinking training for primary school teachers
- The Rusch model-based knowledge assessment algorithm
- A simulation of synchronized curriculum for IT-specialist training based on Petri nets
- Stochastic process computational modeling for learning research
- Features of gamification component introduction during the development of constructive strategies for overcoming youth life crises
- Methodology of studying the value-semantic readiness for learning
- Modeling of an internal educational resource certification system
- Early literacy with augmented reality
- Formation of digital competencies among students of economic specialties
- Some methods for improving data structure teaching efficiency
- Design methodology for immersive educational resources
Vol. 5 (2021)
In this issue:
- Enhancing adaptive learning with Moodle's machine learning
- Development of the computer vision system based on machine learning for educational purposes
- Distance learning in primary school during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of the “SMART KIDS” experiment
- A self-assessment tool of the level of digital competence of Ukrainian teachers in the context of lifelong learning: the results of an online survey 2021
- Actual areas of development of digital competence of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
- Modeling of the adaptive system of individualization and personalization of future specialists’ professional training in the conditions of blended learning
- Adaptive learning environment design in the system of future maritime specialits’ training
- Extended reality in digital learning: influence, opportunities and risks’ mitigation
- The use of WEB-oriented technologies in the process of WEB- programming teaching for technical universities students
- Educational Technology Quarterly: a new journal on the future of education in the digital age
- Formation of students’ readiness for leadership of pupils’ artistic-and-creative activities at the fine arts lessons
- Measuring acceleration at uniformly accelerated motion in terms of differentiation of learning
- The potential of Large Language Models in language education
- Оverview of modern models of training system future teachers
- Pedagogical conditions for the development of students’ polylingual competence of the professional high school
Vol. 4 (2021)
In this issue:
- AI-assisted language education: critical review
- Results of integration of Ukrainian education into the European educational area
- Psycholinguistic aspect of polylingualism
- Adult education development in independent Ukraine
- The latest trends in translator training in German higher education institutions
- Foreign experience in evaluating the efficiency of scientific and pedagogical research
- Requirements for the content and training of PhD in the specialty of automation and computer-integrated technologies
- Problematic questions of software requirements engineering training
- Hardware and software tools for teaching the basics of quantum informatics to lyceums students
- The didactic potential of the linguistic-stylistic analysis of the text in the lessons of the Russian language
- Formation of the content of the integrative course “Linguoculturology” in the process of professional training of philologists with an additional specialty “History”
- Research of the phenomenon of professional burnout of employees of the socio-pedagogical sphere
- Model of formation of social competence of students in the process of studying the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle
Vol. 3 (2020)
In this issue:
- Mapping lifelong learning quality: a bibliometric study
- Financial education of schoolchildren with the use of digital technologies: European experience
- European strategy for determining the level of competence in the field of digital technologies: a framework for digital competence for citizens
- Development of a computer-based learning environment in the conditions of multicultural education in the European Union
- Implementation of reflective model of educational practice in the modern Finnish school
- Historical reconstruction of education in author schools of Ukraine
- Marketing of educational services for continuous professional development of modern educator
- Comparative analysis of the structure and content of curricula for translators in higher education institutions of Ukraine and France
- Trends in the development of inclusive education in Ukraine
- Bilingual model of future specialists’ training by means of artistic design
- Axiological approach to the psychological and pedagogical training of future teachers of the new generation
- Diagnosis of the audio-verbal memory as a basic modality of mnemonic processes of elementary school children with Dyslexia
- Regulatory and legal basis of Ukraine’s investment policy in the field of higher education
- Using of Social Media in School Management: Experience of Ukraine and United States of America
- Types and functions of precedent fenomena of culture in the linguodidactic context
- The features of the learning of political linguistics at higher education institutions
- Interactive means of motivating students to learn English for specific purposes at agrarian and technical universities
- Experimental research on the formation of future ship engineers' communicative competence based on gamification approach
- Summer school: a non-formal way to tackle education challenges
- Information support for quality management of education in general educational institutions of Ukraine
- On arranging the procedure of public debate on the educational curriculum draft for Master students majoring in 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics), academic discipline 01 Education/Pedagogics
- Development of critical thinking as a means of forming STEM competencies
- Communicative approach with elements of bilingualism in teaching physics
- Didactic model of formation pedagogical universities students’ digital competence
- Developing of the electronic educational and methodological complex “Automotive design” for the professional training of future teachers of vocational training in the field of transport
- Аnalysis of the use of LCMS Moodle in the educational process of KSPU
Vol. 2 (2020)
In this issue:
- Adapting science education during crises: first lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
- Types of tasks in the didactization of materials to trace the German in the history of Kiev
- Didacticization of the press texts of the Galician Germans in DaF-lessons
- German traces in Ukraine in German lessons: illustrative, interactive, communicative
- Development of the socio-cultural competence of student teachers on the basis of the findings on the topic “German traces in Ukraine”
- Development of regional and communicative skills when learning German in Kryvyi Rih
- Exercise types for reading comprehension in foreign language classes
- Professional soft competencies of future software engineers: key concepts
- Automation of mind maps
- The use of Arduino software and hardware in a school physical experiment
- Effects on the use of theater projects in teacher training
- Designing the content of the educational institution information and consulting environment
- Didactic conditions for the formation of digital competence of students of pedagogical universities
- Possibilities of application of augmented reality in different branches of education
- Philosophy on bilingual education: Sociocultural competence and Identity
- Monitoring of quality of higher education in Ukraine and Germany: comparative aspect
Vol. 1 (2019)
In this issue:
- Educational Dimension: a new journal for research on education, learning and training
- Educational digital games: models and implementation
- Theoretical and methodical aspects of the organization of students’ independent study activities together with the use of ICT and tools
- The areas of educational studies of the cloud-based learning systems
- Pedagogical techniques of Earth remote sensing data application into modern school practice
- Cloud calculations within the optional course Optimization Problems for 10th-11th graders
- Import test questions into Moodle LMS
- The research of process of applying mobile ICT by university students: mobile testing systems and mobile means of multimedia development
- Augmented reality as a tool for open science platform by research collaboration in virtual teams
- Simulation technologies of virtual reality usage in the training of future ship navigators
- Using the Proteus virtual environment to train future IT professionals
- Prospects of using the augmented reality application in STEM-based Mathematics teaching
- The Google Lens analyzing quality: an analysis of the possibility to use in the educational process