Training of future primary school teacher for use digital educational resources in their professional activities
quality of education, vocational training, professional activity, professional readiness, primary school teacher, digital educational resourcesAbstract
The article reveals the relevance of training future specialists in primary education to use digital educational resources in professional activities. After analysing the scientific works on this problem, the authors identified similar approaches to its solution in different countries and mostly low and medium levels of the pre-service primary school teachers’ readiness to use digital educational resources in their professional activities. Based on the results of empirical research on the state of development of operational and activity and projective components of the readiness of prospective bachelors and masters of Primary Education to use digital educational resources in professional activities and the dynamics of this personal phenomenon under traditional conditions of higher education, the research methodology consisted in the gradual implementing the quasi-professional technology, the method of expert evaluation, and the further distribution of the respondents according to the levels of development of the readiness components: intuitive and receptive, reproductive, productive, and research and creative. The results of the study were subjected to the quantitative and qualitative analysis, as a result of which the authors concluded that within the current system of professional training of future primary school teachers the level of development of operational and activity and projective components of their readiness to use digital educational resources is insufficient. In addition, the authors found that among the methods and techniques of working with presentation slides, the reproductive patterns predominate: information method, structural and graphical techniques of information processing; respondents are not sufficiently oriented in the types of slides, as well as in software environments for designing the presentations. Prospective bachelors and masters are limited to the use of graphic and textual information in presentations; future specialists in primary education mainly use animation and creolisation of the text for their e-learning tools, and there are almost no infographics, interactive posters, educational comics, tasks on online learning platforms, etc.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Inna A. Khyzhniak, Kateryna V. Vlasenko, Irina L. Viktorenko, Vladyslav Ye. Velychko

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Accepted 2021-03-03
Published 2021-03-05