Using immersive reality technologies to increase a physical education teacher's health-preserving competency




health-preserving competence, Physical Education teacher, post-graduate education, augmented reality, virtual reality, Umwelt, pedagogy of health, preventive pedagogy, health risks, methodology, digital technologies


The article discusses the findings of study targeted at enhancing the methodology of augmented reality use for the development of a physical education teacher's competence in health preservation under post-graduate educational settings. According to Umwelt phenomenology, augmented reality is distinguished by its cognitive, metaphorical, varied, interactive, and anthropomorphic characteristics. The article examines the potential applications of augmented reality in a physical education teacher's line of work, notably in the area of health promotion. The software that could be implemented for this function has been described. The research determined that physical education teachers had a favorable attitude toward using immersive reality to protect students' health and foster the growth of their motor skills, intelligence, and creativity. The survey's findings indicate that the majority of teachers had a favorable response to the notion of using augmented reality in their professional work. However, in certain instances, there was a lack of a completely developed knowledge of this issue. The introduction of augmented technology techniques into the post-graduate education process, taking into account the anthropological, ethical, and cultural settings as well as instructor involvement in the mentioned process, could be one way to solve the problem as described.
The software application "Virtual Model of Identifying the Risks for Locomotor Apparatus Caused by Ligament Stretching" has been developed based on the usage of immersive reality technologies and comprises of 5 models. Specifically, the anthropological-spatial systems that simulate joints and are utilized to help teachers grasp the dangers to the locomotor apparatus. The positive dynamics of physical education teachers' educational outcomes are characterized as a consequence of study into the effectiveness of applying virtual models as a component of a technique for developing the health-preserving competence of physical education teachers.


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How to Cite

Klochko, O.V. and Fedorets, V.M., 2022. Using immersive reality technologies to increase a physical education teacher’s health-preserving competency. Educational Technology Quarterly [Online], 2022(4), pp.276–306. Available from: [Accessed 6 February 2025].
Received 2022-04-02
Accepted 2022-12-02
Published 2022-12-21